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Mateusz Bartosiak avatar
Connectis_ to międzynarodowe projekty, najnowsze technologie i rozwój zawodowy. Plus konkurencyjne wynagrodzenie, przyjazna atmosfera i work-life balance. Pracując w Connectis_ polubisz poniedziałki :)
Mateusz Bartosiak
Data Engineer
Patryk wasiewicz avatar
Connectis to dla mnie przede wszystkim ludzie, dobra atmosfera i innowacyjne projekty. W projektach nigdy nie ma nudy, a ja mogę się stale rozwijać, zdobywając nowe umiejętności i doświadczenia.
Patryk Wąsiewicz
Senior Backend Developer C#
lukasz noga avatar
Otwartość klientów na innowacje. Dostęp do szkoleń i najnowszych technologii. Wysoko wykwalifikowani eksperci, którzy chętnie dzielą się wiedzą. Chcesz się rozwijać w świetnej atmosferze? Zapraszamy!
Łukasz Noga
Solutions Architect
mateusz wnek avatar
Connectis dba o dopasowanie projektów do Twoich potrzeb, a dedykowany opiekun faktycznie Cię wspiera. Fajni ludzie, work-life balance, możliwości rozwoju - sprawdź różnicę między <jakoś> a <jakość>.
Mateusz Wnenk
Team Leader
Paweł Mońko QA
Ciekawe projekty, wykwalifikowani i sprawdzeni eksperci. Meet-upy i eventy integracyjne. Własny, zaangażowany w Twoją karierę opiekun. Każdy dzień w pracy jest lepszy od poprzedniego. Daję słowo 😊
Paweł Mońko
QA Engineer
hanna matusiewicz avatar
Connectis to dla mnie przede wszystkim ludzie, dobra atmosfera i innowacyjne projekty. W projektach nigdy nie ma nudy, a ja mogę się stale rozwijać, zdobywając nowe umiejętności i doświadczenia.
Hanna Matusiewicz
Scrum Master
Paweł Mońko QA
Interesting projects, qualified and proven experts. Meet-ups and team-building events. An in-house mentor committed to your career. Every day at work is better than the day before. I give my word 😊
Paweł Mońko
QA Engineer
Patryk wasiewicz avatar
For me, Connectis is all about people, a good atmosphere and innovative projects. Projects are always evolving, offering opportunities to develop skills and expertise.
Patryk Wąsiewicz
Senior Backend Developer C#
mateusz wnek avatar
I have joined Connectis since 2013 - currently as a Team Leader of a team of developers at a major bank. Connectis gives me a sense of security and stability, consistently keeping its promises.
Mateusz Wnenk
Team Leader
Mateusz Bartosiak avatar
Connectis_ offers international projects, the latest technology and professional development. In addition, a competitive salary, friendly atmosphere and a work-life balance. You will like Mondays :)
Mateusz Bartosiak
Data Engineer
lukasz noga avatar
Customer openness to innovation. Access to training and the latest tech. Highly qualified experts who are willing to share their knowledge. Want to grow in a great atmosphere? Come and join us!
Łukasz Noga
Solutions Architect
hanna matusiewicz avatar
Connectis ensures that projects are tailored to your needs and your buddy actually supports you. People, work-life balance, development opps - check out the difference between <quality> and <Quality>.
Hanna Matusiewicz
Scrum Master

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Grow your career.

Choose from carefully selected projects from global companies and benefit from the support of your mentor.

Grow your career.

Choose from carefully selected projects from global companies and benefit from the support of your mentor.

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Above-market pay

In 2023, our experts earned over 110 million PLN, with an average salary 90% higher than the IT industry median in Poland.

Choose where you want to work from

We offer projects that support a healthy work-life balance while focusing on your growth, work comfort, and access to our talent community.

We run 200+ projects at a time

We provide stability and a steady stream of projects, so you’ll always have fresh and exciting challenges to tackle.

Join the unique community of Connected Experts™

We’ve created an IT community that helps you grow, both personally and professionally, with meetups and talks that connect people with similar passions.

Your benefits

Learn about a variety of benefits that will help you advance your career and achieve success.

Side gigs
Opportunities for extra paid projects
Office whenever you want
Access to a modern office in the heart of Warsaw
Gear and discounts
Top-notch equipment and attractive discounts on tools and services
We care about your well-being - join personal training sessions, yoga classes, or use your Multisport card for your favorite activities.
We remember the dates that are important to you - we will make sure you have a pleasant surprise on those special moments.
Referral Program
With the 'Refer and Earn' program, you can easily recommend friends and earn up to 20,000 PLN in rewards.
Side gigs
Opportunities for extra paid projects
Office whenever you want
Access to a modern office in the heart of Warsaw
Gear and discounts
Top-notch equipment and attractive discounts on tools and services
We care about your well-being - join personal training sessions, yoga classes, or use your Multisport card for your favorite activities.
We remember the dates that are important to you - we will make sure you have a pleasant surprise on those special moments.
Referral Program
With the Refer & Earn program, you can easily recommend your friends and receive up to $20,000 in rewards

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